Courts and Adjudication

  1. 3. A "going ___" is the local court official's shared view of the appropriate sentence for a given offense.
  2. 7. A legal representative of the state with sole responsibility for bringing criminal charges
  3. 8. A ___ attorney is the lawyer who represents accused defendants and convicted offenders in their dealings with criminal justice.
  4. 9. An adjournment of a scheduled case until a later date
  1. 1. The ___ is a key figure in the criminal justice process who assumes the roles of adjudicator, negotiator, and administrator
  2. 2. ___ judges are selected through partisan elections, nonpartisan elections, gubernatorial appointment, legislative selection, and merit selection.
  3. 4. A ___ group is a group of individuals who interact in the workplace on a continuing basis, share goals, develop norms regarding how activities should be carried out, and eventually establish a network of roles, all of which differentiate the group from others and facilitate cooperationAn adjournment
  4. 5. Each separate offense that is accused in an indictment or an information.
  5. 6. ___ judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the US senate.
  6. 8. This type of court system consists of two separate federal and state court systems handling cases in the United States