  1. 4. worldwide spread of a cantagion
  2. 7. sudden outburst of a particular disease
  3. 8. I will boost your immunity
  4. 9. im used in certain amount to endanger the viruses
  5. 11. governing body to ensure world's health
  6. 12. technical name of covid 19 infection
  7. 14. the crown which prokoves a immune response in human body
  8. 15. priority in casualty
  9. 16. im tested for covid 19 then im a?
  10. 19. the process of maintaining cleanliness and dealing with sewage
  11. 20. corona virus first identified
  12. 22. when someone gets the virus without any known contact with a sick person or travel history
  13. 23. the time interval between a onset of infection and exposure
  14. 24. Spike protein is the receptor binding part that provokes the antibody production in the body then it is called_______
  15. 25. the most contagious thing in a covid ward
  16. 26. way of restricting connection from others
  17. 29. 1 in 5 affected people end in death then it is called as
  18. 30. this device requires positive pressure check
  1. 1. i can breath for you
  2. 2. old age people and people with premorbid condition is affected more easily then they come under which group
  3. 3. i project out of your nose and mouth during coughing
  4. 5. unite together emotionally not physically
  5. 6. process that is designed to kill actively growing and vegetative microbial microorganisms
  6. 10. a process in which a infection starts to grow, develop, or become successful again after a course of successful treatment
  7. 13. restriction of movement with continuous monitoring
  8. 17. resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease
  9. 18. a way to acquire herd immunity
  10. 21. objective assessment of ones body for symptoms
  11. 27. if people are not allowed to enter or leave a area freely then they are under
  12. 28. a device used by all people around the world