  1. 2. what NOT to do when you greet your friends
  2. 3. who we should listen to
  3. 5. not just for bank robbers anymore
  4. 6. global body that is a clearinghouse of information
  5. 9. worldwide
  6. 10. should be listened to
  7. 12. "and they don't even know"
  8. 13. limiting gatherings of people to no more than 10 people (2 words)
  9. 16. stand back (2 words)
  10. 17. where you should cough or sneeze
  11. 18. slowing down the rate of infection
  12. 19. “All by Myself”
  13. 20. when people in the same location contract the virus without an obvious chain of events (2 words)
  1. 1. by CDC (hyphenated)
  2. 2. where you can go to exercise (2 words)
  3. 4. technical term (2 words)
  4. 7. stay at home
  5. 8. what do we want the curve to do
  6. 11. what health care workers need
  7. 14. know the truth
  8. 15. where are they?
  9. 21. (blank) and chill