Covid 19

  1. 3. It causes high
  2. 4. Disease originated originally from China
  3. 10. Hand protective
  4. 11. it affects the ....... system in the body.
  5. 13. Wash hands or use hand
  6. 15. a machine that helps
  7. 17. The virus has caused a
  8. 19. They save lives
  9. 20. the virus is called
  1. 1. covid19 is a
  2. 2. if not taken care of it can lead to
  3. 5. It’s in the air
  4. 6. They rush you to the
  5. 7. Antibiotics are
  6. 8. Help it is an
  7. 9. the virus is highly
  8. 12. Emergency response teams come in
  9. 14. Suspected to pass on from flying mammal
  10. 16. attacks the ........ globally
  11. 18. Face protective