Cowboy Way of Life

  1. 3. another word for cattle
  2. 5. bull riding, calf roping and barrel racing are part of this event.
  3. 7. The season most cattle drives begin
  4. 10. Another term for Western Expansion.
  5. 11. Used by ranchers to pen herds.
  6. 13. this helped cowboys guard against dusty on the trail.
  7. 14. Mexico's Native cowboys were called ___________.
  8. 15. cattle were driven north and then caught a ride on this to reach markets.
  1. 1. buckaroo cowpunchers and cowpokes are another word for...
  2. 2. The ______________ is located in South Texas and is still in operation today.
  3. 4. Thesewere sold to northern markets for a much as $40 a head.
  4. 6. White settlers claimed land to raise purchased cattle.
  5. 8. These had wide brims and protected cowboys from the sun.
  6. 9. Lasted from 1861-1865
  7. 12. A special mark burned into skin of a cow that identified their owner