CPSC 421 OOP Iterators
- 3. std::vector, std::deque, and std::list are examples of ______ containers
- 5. Advance to the next item in the GoF Iterator
- 10. Always prefer __-____ to post-decrement
- 12. An iterator that models access to doubly-linked lists
- 13. Iterator Design ____
- 16. Use this as the type to make declaration easier and to make the code more adaptable
- 21. An iterator that models access to singly-linked lists
- 22. Reverse iterator form of begin()
- 23. We use "!=" instead of "<" with iterators because sequential elements may not be _______
- 26. One of the C++ Library Algorithms
- 29. Name of the operator for "++p"
- 30. Name of the operator for "p[n]"
- 33. Nickname for the authors of "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
- 34. A C++11 function equivalent to "p + n"
- 36. Name of the operator for "*p"
- 37. An iterator with one-pass input from streams
- 38. A common interface makes it ____ to learn new data structures
- 39. Container method that returns an iterator past the last element of the container
- 40. Container method that returns an iterator to the first element
- 41. Get current item in the GoF Iterator
- 42. Const reverse iterator form of end()
- 1. One of the C++ Library Sequence Containers
- 2. std::set and std::map are examples of _____ containers
- 4. An iterator with one-pass output to streams
- 6. One of the C++ Library Sequence Containers
- 7. Can create ____-______ data structures that work with existing algorithms
- 8. Iterators are small and passed by ____
- 9. Early programming language with forward iterators only and where indexing made no sense
- 11. A C++ function equivalent to "p += n"
- 14. Reverse iterator form of end()
- 15. _____ usage helps in the comprehension of the code
- 17. Restart the iteration in the GoF Iterator
- 18. Const iterator form of begin()
- 19. The ____-_____ iterator models array access
- 20. One of the C++ Library Sequence Containers
- 24. Always prefer __-___ to post-increment
- 25. A C++11 function that is the number of elements from begin to p, i.e., "p - begin"
- 26. A C++11 function equivalent to "p - n"
- 27. One of the C++ Library Algorithms
- 28. Iterators began with data structures where _____ is expensive, but accessing the next element is not
- 31. Are we done yet?
- 32. Const reverse iterator form of begin()
- 35. Const iterator form of end()