CPSC 480 HFSD Chapter 5

  1. 2. If you find you are cutting and pasting large blocks of your design and code then there's a good chance that you're breaking the ......... principle
  2. 5. Your burn down rate should show ......... the work on your board, including any new unplanned tasks
  3. 8. When a design helps you meet your deadlines, it is said to be a ..... ..... design
  4. 9. When a task is finished it goes in the ......... column.
  5. 11. When a class does one job and it's the only class that does that job it is said to obey the ......... responsibility principle
  6. 14. You should always be ......... with your customer
  1. 1. When all the tasks in a user story are finished, the user story is transferred to the ......... bin
  2. 3. When you improve a design to make it more flexible and easier to maintain you are ......... the design
  3. 4. ......... is the only constant in software development
  4. 6. Great developers ........
  5. 7. A good enough design helps you ........
  6. 10. Striving for a ......... design can mean that you never actually deliver any code
  7. 11. Unplanned tasks are treated the ......... as unplanned tasks once they are on your board
  8. 12. If a user story is not quite finished at the end of an iteration, it is moved to the ......... bin on your project board
  9. 13. An unplanned task is going to happen in your current iteration once you have added it to your ........