CPSC 480 HFSD F23 Chapter 9

  1. 3. Pay attention to your ......... rate to help understand how your team is doing
  2. 6. Estimate for the ......... day and the ......... team member
  3. 8. System testing should really be done by a ......... team
  4. 9. Standup meetings are about .........
  5. 11. A good way to work through a bug backlog is to treat them as user .........
  1. 1. Since testing can usually go on forever, make sure you have this defined and agreed to by everyone.
  2. 2. Try really hard to end an iteration .... ....
  3. 3. System testing is usually ..... ..... testing, but sometimes ..... ..... testing
  4. 4. You should estimate consistently because random disruptions are included in your .........
  5. 5. When your bug fixing rate exceeds your bug finding rate for a while.
  6. 7. ......... system testing whenever possible
  7. 10. Make sure your testing team understands the ..... .....