CPSC 480 SE HFSD Chapter 11

  1. 5. The best spike tests include attempting to fix a ____ ____ of the bugs
  2. 6. Close second priority is for your code to be ____ and understandable by other developers
  3. 7. The first step when dealing with a new chunk of unfamiliar code is to get it under ____ control
  4. 8. When new bug fix tasks appear on your board, your customer might need to re-____ the work left in the current iteration
  5. 10. You should always be ____ with your customer
  6. 13. To help you estimate how long it will take to fix a collection of bugs in software you are unfamiliar with, use a ____ ____
  7. 14. When fixing bugs you are fixing ____
  1. 1. At the end of a spike test you have a good idea what your team's ____ ____ ____ is
  2. 2. Top priority is for your code to ____
  3. 3. You can account for your team's gut feeling about a collection of bugs by factoring in their ____ in your bug fixing estimate
  4. 4. Take ____ for all the code in your software, not just the bits that you wrote
  5. 8. You should be ____ of your software.
  6. 9. Fixing bugs becomes ____ or sometimes full stories on your board
  7. 11. Before you change anything, get all your code ____
  8. 12. A spike test should be around a ____ in duration