
  1. 3. the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving others
  2. 4. goldmine; windfall
  3. 11. the killing of one person by another; murder
  4. 15. to prevent or discourage from proceeding; stop
  5. 16. power to influence or control others
  6. 18. organized search for a person, usually a criminal
  7. 19. wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement
  8. 20. to steal something entrusted to your care
  9. 23. to help, especially with crime
  10. 25. to bargain; to reach a deal
  11. 26. to avoid; to escape from; stay away from
  12. 27. stays hidden
  13. 29. one that participates with another in a crime either as principal or accessory
  14. 30. widely or publicly known; famous
  15. 31. not honest; crooked
  16. 32. to spoil the appearance of; vandalize
  17. 33. proof; facts
  18. 34. a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest
  19. 35. power, authority, or territory
  1. 1. to state as fact, but usually without offering proof; claim
  2. 2. sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death; convicts
  3. 3. a person killed or injured in a war or an accident
  4. 5. a troublemaker; rebel; agitator
  5. 6. causing death or made to cause death; fatal
  6. 7. person being held somewhere, usually in a jail or prison
  7. 8. observer; witness
  8. 9. anything that can be used to show something is true
  9. 10. a transgressor against duty or law; criminal
  10. 12. a forgery; not genuine; fake
  11. 13. to search for facts about a subject or problem; examine; inquire
  12. 14. to escape from capture; evade; flee
  13. 17. to hold back from
  14. 21. blockade; barrier
  15. 22. blockade; surrounding a city or building
  16. 24. of, or relating, to dogs
  17. 28. to arrest or take into custody; bust