Crime and Deviance

  1. 2. - The sociologist who proposed the strain theory of crime - Robert _______.
  2. 5. - Theory examining the role of patriarchal society in shaping female deviance - _______ Feminism.
  3. 9. - Form of crime prevalent due to globalisation and advances in technology - _______ crime.
  4. 15. - Approach to crime control emphasizing social reintegration and restorative practices - _______ Justice.
  5. 17. - Punishment theory aimed at discouraging crime by making an example out of the offender - _______.
  6. 18. - Criminologist known for his work on 'moral entrepreneurs' and the labelling process - Howard _______.
  7. 19. - Crimes committed by government officials - _______ crime.
  8. 21. - Method of crime prevention focusing on altering the environment to reduce crime opportunities - _______ Crime.
  9. 22. - Crime often hidden or unreported, especially within domestic contexts - _______ Crime.
  10. 23. - Proponent of the 'Broken Windows' theory of crime prevention - James _______.
  11. 24. - Theory focusing on the control of crime through policies and community efforts - _______ Realism.
  12. 26. - Theory of crime emphasizing social and power inequalities - _______.
  13. 27. - Concept where the law is used to protect the interests of the powerful - _______ Bias.
  14. 29. - Crimes that are violations of societal norms but are not legally punishable - _______ Deviance.
  15. 31. - The idea that deviance provides society with clear boundaries of acceptable behavior - _______ Functions.
  1. 1. - Perspective focusing on the subjective experiences and meanings of crime - _______.
  2. 3. - Sociologist associated with the New Criminology and critical criminology - Stuart _______.
  3. 4. - Proponent of the subcultural theory who argued that working-class youth form deviant subcultures - Albert _______.
  4. 6. - The sociologist who introduced the term "moral panic" - Stanley _______.
  5. 7. - Sociologist who focused on the impact of capitalism on crime - Karl _______.
  6. 8. - Subcultural theory focusing on access to illegitimate means - Differential _______ Theory.
  7. 10. - Labelling Theory Proponent - Howard _______.
  8. 11. - Theory that suggests individuals learn criminal behavior through association with others - Differential _______.
  9. 12. - Framework explaining how societies evolve and control crime - Social _______ Theory.
  10. 13. - Crime committed by people in the course of their employment - _______ Collar.
  11. 14. - Subcultural theorist who studied working-class boys and their deviance - Albert _______.
  12. 16. - Media-induced fear that leads to exaggerated public perception of deviance - Moral _______.
  13. 17. - Type of deviance which occurs when someone breaks societal norms - Primary _______.
  14. 20. - Perspective that sees crime as a result of rational choice and free will - _______.
  15. 23. - Concept describing crime committed by businesses - _______ crime.
  16. 25. - Concept describing the gap between cultural goals and the means to achieve them, leading to deviance - Strain _______.
  17. 28. - Theory that suggests crime is a result of societal breakdown and lack of norms - _______.
  18. 30. - Phenomenon where behavior is systematically overlooked or ignored by law enforcement - _______ Figure of Crime.