Crime and Punishment

  1. 2. A group of ten men over 12 watch each other to make sure they aren't committing crimes
  2. 5. The crime of begging for money
  3. 6. Where the church split into Catholic and Protestant
  4. 7. Meaning 'great charter' this act gave everyone the right to have a fair trial
  5. 12. The person who was caught trying to blow up parliament in 1605
  6. 14. This was fought in England in the 1640s between royalists and parliamentarians
  7. 16. Where a criminal can hide for 40 days before either leaving the country or standing trial
  8. 19. A trial where God decides through a random test
  9. 20. somebody who led the Hue and Cry
  10. 23. Somebody who uses magic for evil purposes
  11. 25. The punihsment of being sent away to America to do hard labor
  12. 26. Where punishment is used to get revenge on the criminal
  1. 1. The crime of avoiding import tax and selling goods on at a cheap price
  2. 3. Another term for execution
  3. 4. William the Conqueror's law which made much of England 'Royal Forest'
  4. 8. People who carried out highway robberies
  5. 9. where punishment is used to scare other people into not committing crimes
  6. 10. A book written by James I about Witches
  7. 11. A court only used for members of the church, it never gave out death sentences
  8. 13. Psalm 51 in the bible and used to gain benefit of the clergy
  9. 15. A medieval system of raising the alarm and chasing after a criminal
  10. 17. The Witch finder General
  11. 18. Where up to 225 crimes became punishable with death
  12. 21. The battle at which William Duke of Normandy defeated Harold Godwinson in 1066
  13. 22. The Anglo Saxon system of getting criminals to pay back the family of the victim, literally means 'man money'
  14. 24. the crime of hunting animals illegally
  15. 26. Where punishment is used to change the behavior of the criminal for the better