Crime and Punishment

  1. 5. Unexpected murder victim
  2. 6. Protagonist, deeply troubled
  3. 8. Pertaining to the mind or to mental phenomena
  4. 10. Author of Crime and Punishment
  5. 11. Place of repentance and hard labor
  6. 12. Grumpy old lender
  7. 14. The state of quality of being real
  8. 15. Conformity to the rules of right conduct
  9. 17. Raskolnikov's previous profession
  10. 19. To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment.
  11. 20. Raskolnikov strived to become revered like this man
  1. 1. The state of being extremely poor
  2. 2. Poor family with drunken father
  3. 3. Criminal, fond of children
  4. 4. Sudden, involuntary inclination
  5. 7. Prostitute, Raskolnikov's lover
  6. 8. Antagonist, cunning, accuses Raskolnikov
  7. 9. The state of being criminal
  8. 13. Act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake
  9. 16. Deep and painful regret
  10. 18. Raskolnikov's sister
  11. 21. Murder weapon