Crime Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. state statutes prohibiting certain conduct
  2. 5. intended to do the act; intended to do evil
  3. 7. Breach of duty-the specific conduct that violates the statutes, which is the criminal act.
  4. 9. infractions-lesser misdemeanors,not entitled to a jury trial
  5. 10. states that competing companies may not cooperate in fixing prices or in dividing sales regions.
  6. 12. the giving or offering of a bribe
  7. 13. the criminal conduct of taking another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted.
  8. 14. people who lie under oath
  1. 1. the criminal intent of the employee is used as a substitute for the requirement of criminal intent for an officer.
  2. 2. a crime punishable by confinement for more than a year or by a fine more than $1,000 or even death.
  3. 3. offenses committed in the business world
  4. 6. a less serious crime. Punishable by confinement of less than a year or by a fine, or both.
  5. 8. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property
  6. 11. punishable offense against society