Crime Quiz 1 March 2024

  1. 5. type of intent where person shows an extreme lack of care
  2. 9. type of case where the state seeks to punish a person who has harmed society
  3. 11. in PA, type of theft valued at less than $2,000
  4. 14. in PA, type of felony theft ranging from $2K to $99K
  5. 15. unlawful entry with intent to steal
  6. 16. type of manslaughter when a person has been provoked by another
  7. 17. Latin term "criminal intent" - a person's mindset
  8. 18. legal term for theft
  9. 19. Philadelphia sports team
  10. 25. stealing property using a threat of immediate violence
  11. 26. type of intent where a person disregarded the likely outcome
  12. 27. with premeditation, you did this before committing the murder
  13. 28. blackmail
  14. 29. type of intent where a person intended the result that happened
  15. 31. Latin term means a person commits an act or fails to act
  1. 1. type of manslaughter caused by criminal negligence or an unintended killin
  2. 2. a less severe crime;may serve up to one year in prison
  3. 3. type of case in which one person sues another person looking to get money
  4. 4. in PA, type of felony theft ranging from $100K to $499K
  5. 6. a more severe crime that may result in execution
  6. 7. type of manslaughter when someone acts in the heat of anger
  7. 8. type of intent when a person is guilty of a crime regardless of intent
  8. 10. New York sports team
  9. 12. misrepresent a fact to get property from a person
  10. 13. with a homicide, means "done with a cool mind"
  11. 20. a person takes money they have been entrusted with
  12. 21. city in northwestern PA
  13. 22. in PA type of felony theft of items worth more than $500k
  14. 23. what type of intent? Joe meant to kill another person
  15. 24. symbol of St. Patrick's Day
  16. 30. in your text, means theft less than $500