  1. 3. A thief … my mother’s jewellery last night.
  2. 5. The dogs ……… the suspect to the bridge.
  3. 8. The criminal …… from his prison call by tricking the guard.
  4. 9. The detective …..the crime. The criminal is now in prison.
  5. 10. when a prisoner finishes his prison sentence, he is ……
  6. 11. The criminal left a crime scene quickly.
  1. 1. Police officers ……the criminal before capturing him. (C…)
  2. 2. He ……my room for money.
  3. 4. the police …… The thief and put him in prison.
  4. 6. The police ……… someone’s computer to find information.
  5. 7. The thief got into someone’s house.