Crimes Against People and Property

  1. 5. threatening with the intention of getting property
  2. 6. internet crime
  3. 9. deliberately setting fire to property
  4. 10. restoration
  5. 12. theft
  6. 13. taking property you've been entrusted with
  7. 14. a threat of bodily harm
  8. 17. re-integration of a criminal into society
  9. 18. premeditated killing
  10. 19. breaking and entering
  11. 20. lying under oath in court
  1. 1. deliberate and unlawful killing
  2. 2. two types: specific and general
  3. 3. physical acting upon a threat
  4. 4. taking revenge
  5. 7. destruction of property
  6. 8. taking something of value
  7. 11. taking away the offender's ability to commit crimes
  8. 15. criminal deception
  9. 16. a crime motivated by prejudice