Crimes Against People and Property

  1. 4. Purposeful destroying of one's property
  2. 6. Taking someone's property through violence or threats of violence
  3. 8. Physically attacking someone
  4. 11. The willful burning of one's property
  5. 12. Depriving the criminal of anything
  6. 14. A crime that is motivated by any sort of predjudice
  7. 15. The punishment that is inflicted on someone for a crime
  8. 17. Illegal touching; usually an attack
  9. 18. Getting people to not commit crimes due to fear of the punishment
  10. 19. Unlawful taking of another's property
  1. 1. Illegal entry into any building, with the intent for to commit a crime
  2. 2. The crime of lying while testifying under oath
  3. 3. Stealing another's property that was intrusted to you
  4. 5. Direct payments from the criminal to the victim to repay them for the crime
  5. 7. Helping convicted offenders change their lives
  6. 9. Obtaining another's property through deceit
  7. 10. The kiling of another human
  8. 13. A crime that was committed online
  9. 16. A form of blackmail