Crimes Against People & Property (ACudney)

  1. 1. the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
  2. 6. seeks revenge
  3. 7. a physical or verbal attack
  4. 8. lying under oath
  5. 11. seeks to isolate a criminal from society to protect ordinary citizens
  6. 13. the crime of stealing another's property that has been entrusted to you
  7. 14. the illegal entry into any building with the intent to commit a crime, like theft
  8. 18. willful and malicious burning or charring of property
  9. 19. obtaining money or something else that has value by the abuse of one's office or authority
  10. 20. a crime that is motivated by sexual, racist, ethical, or other prejudice
  1. 2. the idea that fear of punishment will prevent crimes
  2. 3. the criminal act of intentionally touching, or applying force to the body of another person in an offensive manner, covering a wide range of acts, including those of a sexual nature
  3. 4. seeks repayment through money or service
  4. 5. the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain
  5. 9. common theft; the taking of property without the use of force
  6. 10. seeks to treat and reform the lawbreaker
  7. 12. criminal offenses committed via the Internet or otherwise aided by various forms of computer technology, such as the use of online social networks to bully others or sending sexually explicit digital photos with a smart phone
  8. 15. the crime of intentionally defacing or destroying another person's property
  9. 16. when someone takes the life of another, regardless of intent or other details surrounding the incident
  10. 17. the taking of a person's property by violence or threat of violence; forcible stealing