Crimes Crossword

  1. 2. Intentionally misrepresenting a fact to obtain the property of another.
  2. 3. The killing of one person by the act of another.
  3. 6. A purpose of punishment meant to deter future crimes from the specific criminal and the public.
  4. 9. Crime conducted via Internet.
  5. 11. A purpose of punishment meant to reform the criminal.
  6. 13. Unlawful entry of a building to steal its contents.
  7. 14. The act of ending ones life.
  8. 15. Making a threat with the intent of getting property from another. (Blackmail)
  9. 17. Deliberate damage to property
  10. 19. The deliberate act of setting fire to property.
  1. 1. The legal word for theft.
  2. 3. A crime motivated racial, sexual or other prejudice.
  3. 4. To make a physical attack on someone.
  4. 5. A purpose of punishment meant to repay the victim.
  5. 7. Willingly saying a lie in court after taking the oath.
  6. 8. When a person steals property they have been entrusted with.
  7. 10. "an eye for an eye" purpose of punishment for revenge.
  8. 12. A purpose of punishment meant to isolate the criminal from the public.
  9. 16. forcible stealing from another.
  10. 18. To threaten physical attack on someone.