Crimes Puzzle

  1. 3. The kind of criminal who might steal information from a private computer.
  2. 6. Where criminals are sent if they are guilty.
  3. 9. “I don’t want to go to jail. I want to be _ _ _ _!”
  4. 10. Someone who sells drugs illegally
  5. 12. When you steal something from a store.
  6. 13. Something that can be used to hurt or kill, like a gun or knife
  1. 1. Someone who steals from people while they are walking in the city.
  2. 2. Someone who kills an innocent person.
  3. 3. What police officers use to arrest criminals.
  4. 4. Who you need to hire if you are a criminal who is in trouble.
  5. 5. This crime is done by people who obsessively follow, annoy, or watch the moves of other people
  6. 7. What police officers do to criminals they find.
  7. 8. The person who tells you whether or not you are guilty
  8. 11. Police officers must wear this everyday at work