Criminal and Addictive Thinking

  1. 4. an example of is "I am a loner,I don't need anyone
  2. 5. says everything that happens is about you
  3. 7. your emotions are the ultimate guide to your behavior
  4. 9. this means not listening to or trusting new information
  5. 11. everybody steals is an example of
  6. 12. you don't learn from the past is an aspect of .
  7. 13. you downplay an events importance
  8. 16. one of the criminal thinking patterns that gets you into trouble quickest is .
  9. 17. you consider yourself to be a good person, no matter what
  10. 18. thinking it is almost the opposite of over-generalization
  11. 19. you pick and choose certain parts of a situation
  1. 1. you view yourself as a victim first
  2. 2. you blow an event out of proportion
  3. 3. do unto other before they do unto you is thinking associated with .
  4. 6. you make decisions with little or no evidence
  5. 8. you do almost anything you can to avoid responsible effort
  6. 10. you tend to focus only on the situation outside you
  7. 14. is also called all or nothing thinking
  8. 15. fear of all your thoughts and actions being brought out in the open is .