Criminal Code Offences

  1. 3. Using someone’s personal information without his or her consent to commit a crime
  2. 7. To sell, administer, give, transfer, transport, send, or deliver a controlled substance
  3. 9. A measure of concentration of alcohol in a person’s blood
  4. 11. Any rifle or shotgun that is neither restricted nor prohibited
  5. 14. Taking someone’s property without her or his consent
  6. 15. A chemical substance that alters the structure or function of a living organism
  7. 18. A firearm that needs to be registered
  8. 20. The unlawful use of force or violence to further certain political or social objectives
  9. 21. Murder that does not meet the conditions of first degree murder
  10. 23. Presenting untruths or false information to induce the victim to act upon it
  11. 24. Words, images, or actions that are offensive to public morality
  12. 25. Entering someone’s premises without permission with intent to commit an indictable offence
  13. 26. Homicide for which a person will not be held criminally responsible
  14. 28. The most serious of the three levels of assault in Canadian law
  15. 30. The legal right to a property
  16. 31. Capable homicide that is not murder or infanticide
  17. 33. The age at which a young person can legally consent sexual activity
  18. 34. The killing of another person, directly or indirectly
  19. 35. Intentional homicide
  20. 37. The broad term for three levels of sexual assault
  21. 38. Intentionally causing damage to property by fire
  22. 39. Mercy killing, usually to relive suffering
  1. 1. Sexual activity in exchange for money
  2. 2. Legal authority to possess and produce marijuana for medical purposes
  3. 4. The most serious form of homicide, as defined in the Criminal Code
  4. 5. Agreement given freely and voluntarily
  5. 6. A firearm that a person is not allowed to possess
  6. 8. A test given by police to check for impaired driving
  7. 10. The second of three levels of assault in criminal law
  8. 12. The criminal offence of driving a vehicle at high speeds in a reckless and dangerous manner
  9. 13. The act of counselling, aiding, or abetting someone to committing suicide
  10. 16. A vehicle that moves other than by muscular power, not including railway equipment
  11. 17. Blamable or criminal homicide
  12. 19. Theft involving violence or threats of violence
  13. 22. Any material listed in the Controlled Drug and Substances Act
  14. 27. The pursuit or repeated communication with an unwilling victim
  15. 29. Communication for the purpose of prostitution
  16. 32. The illegal, forced removal of a child from the custodial parents
  17. 36. Intentional deceit in order to cause loss of property