Criminal Code Offences

  1. 2. The pursuit of or repeated communication with an unwilling victim
  2. 4. When property is intentionally damaged by explosion or fire
  3. 5. This type of firearm is banned and cannot be possessed. e.g. sawed-off shotgun
  4. 7. involve crimes against property and personal information
  5. 8. Commonly known as “pimping”
  6. 9. Taking someone's property without their consent
  7. 10. The legal definition that refers to having the legal right to an item
  8. 11. using another person's personal information without their consent to commit a crime
  1. 1. This type of firearm need to be registered e.g. handguns, rifles, & shotguns
  2. 3. selling, giving, transporting, delivering, or transferring a controlled substance
  3. 6. communicate for the purpose of prostitution
  4. 12. Use of violence to advance political or social objectives
  5. 13. intentionally deceiving another party for a criminal purpose