Criminal Court Procedure

  1. 5. Examination Questioning designed to break down the story or to discredit the witness
  2. 7. Review of the lower court decision by a higher court; argument made by the prosecutor for the case to remain or by the defense attorney for the case to be overturned
  3. 9. An attorney in a civil case
  4. 11. Punishment imposed on a defendant found guilty of violating the criminal law
  5. 13. Hearing Pretrial hearing to determine if probable cause exists to hold the accused
  6. 15. A fact-finding process using the adversarial (argumentative) method before a judge or a jury; determines innocence or guilt
  7. 18. Instructions The judge instructs the jury as to the law that applies to the case
  8. 19. The defendant is informed of the pending charges in court and is required to enter a plea
  9. 20. The individual bringing charges against the person accused of violating a criminal law
  10. 21. Examination Witnesses questioned by the prosecutor or defense attorneys regarding evidence in favor of the prosecution or defense
  11. 23. The person accused of violating a criminal law
  12. 24. Decision Formal criminal charges decided by the prosecutor/solicitor against the defendant stating what criminal law was violated
  1. 1. Formal and informal exchange of information before trial (Tangible or non-tangible items used during a trial to aid in the conviction of the accused)
  2. 2. Negotiations The defendant pleads guilty with the expectation of receiving some benefit (hopes or receiving a reduced sentence)
  3. 3. Request for the judge to end a case if the basic case has not been established from the evidence produced
  4. 4. The jury must reach a unanimous decision. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous, the case may be tried again
  5. 5. Statements The prosecutor and Defense review all evidence presented and asks for a finding of guilty or not guilty
  6. 6. Guarantee that a released defendant will appear at trial; monetary/property
  7. 8. An attorney in a criminal case
  8. 10. Any violation of the criminal law found in the SC Code of laws
  9. 12. Statements Attorneys explain the evidence to be presented to prove or disapprove the allegations made against the accused
  10. 14. Argument The prosecutor makes additional closing arguments
  11. 16. The physical taking into custody of a suspected law violator;Apprehension
  12. 17. Jury A group of citizens who decide if persons accused of crimes should be charged (indicted) Issues True Bill or No Bill
  13. 22. Appearance The accused is told of the charges, bail is set, and a date for the preliminary hearing is set;bond hearing