Criminal Court System Crossword

  1. 2. / An application to a higher court to review the decision made by a lower court
  2. 4. / in criminal court, the person charged with committing a criminal offence
  3. 6. evidence / testimony given by a witness to prove an alleged fact
  4. 8. / the court official responsible for jury management
  5. 11. / the first stage of a criminal trial in which the defendant enters a plea to the charge
  6. 12. council / a lawyer who defends an accused person on trial
  7. 13. / a typed record of everything said in court during a trial
  8. 18. panel / the large group of randomly selected citizens from which jury members are chosen
  9. 20. / to contradict evidence introduced by the opposing side
  10. 21. verdict / a decision by the judge to withdraw the case from the jury and enter a verdict of not guilty
  11. 23. / knowingly making false statements in court while giving evidence under oath or affirmation
  12. 24. clerk / the court official who assists the judge
  13. 25. jury / a jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict
  1. 1. evidence / evidence given by a witness based on information received from someone else rather than personal knowledge
  2. 3. / the court official who assists the sheriff
  3. 5. / information that tends to prove or disprove the elements of an offence
  4. 7. dire / a mini-trial in which jurors are excluded while the admissibility of evidence is discussed
  5. 9. / a reply to the opposing side's rebuttal
  6. 10. / the interception of telephone communication
  7. 12. examination / the first questioning of a witness to determine what he or she observed about the crime
  8. 14. / the party that files an appeal
  9. 15. / a court order requiring the witness to appear in court on a certain date to give evidence]
  10. 16. / the party that responds to an appeal
  11. 17. challenge / the right of the crown or the defence to exclude someone from a jury without providing a reason
  12. 19. / the court official appointed to try cases in a court of law and to sentence convicted persons
  13. 22. / recording a speaker's oral communication by using an electronic device