Criminal Investigation Process

  1. 3. a formal accusation of a person of committing a criminal offence
  2. 4. information used to support facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in court
  3. 6. evidence that cannot be considered by a judge or jury in court
  4. 7. a legal document issued by a magistrate authorising an officer to perform a particular act
  5. 10. a legal document that states when and where a person must appear in court and if they are accused, the charge to which they must answer
  6. 11. to formally question a suspect in relation to an alleged crime
  1. 1. to seize a person by legal authority and take them into custody
  2. 2. a statement issued by police to a suspect when they are detained to inform them of their rights
  3. 5. for the police, this means carrying out research to discover evidence and examine the facts surrounding an alleged criminal incident
  4. 6. the act or process of questioning a suspect by the investigating officer
  5. 8. a period spent in custody awaiting trial at a later date
  6. 9. the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial
  7. 10. in bail, where another person agrees to provide a financial guarantee that the accused will return to the court for the trial in exchange for the accused's temporary release