Criminal Justice & Court Systems

  1. 7. court-granted remedy requiring a party to perform a particular act or refrain from performing a particular act
  2. 10. legal responsibility
  3. 11. said to have taken place, but not proven
  4. 12. official judgment stating the guilt or liability of the defendant concerning the issue in question
  1. 1. court order requiring a person under arrest be brought before a court or judge
  2. 2. legally defined area over which an agency has control or authority
  3. 3. court trial in which a group of people selected from the community decides the guilty or liability of the defendant
  4. 4. party accused of a crime or wrong-doing
  5. 5. temporary release of a defendant while awaiting trial, often on the condition the defendant will pay a sum of money to guarantee appearance in court; may also refer to the amount of money required for release
  6. 6. Trial court trial decided by a judge rather than a jury
  7. 8. party filing a lawsuit
  8. 9. person or group of people comprising a legal entity