Criminal justice cross word

  1. 5. ensures defendants have lawyers and given rights
  2. 6. which case dealt with recording of a public phones
  3. 7. right to trial by court, all witness must be presented in court, right to an attorney
  4. 9. Bans use of illegally obtained evidence in a trial
  5. 14. punishment must fit the crime
  6. 18. which case dealt with a man trash be searched fight as constitutional to go through personal property
  7. 20. cash paid to temporarily release them from prison untill their trial
  8. 21. the search of any place at any time (used by Britishin the colonies)
  9. 22. punish intentional wrongdoing
  10. 23. which case dealt with unreasonable searches and seizures of drugs in a car
  11. 24. refers to crime that are excessively harsh
  1. 1. people are not forced to be a witness at their own trial and can’t be tried for the same crime twice
  2. 2. no unnecessary warrants without probable cause backed by proof
  3. 3. Which case dealt with unreasonable search and seizure of an apartment
  4. 4. renew all rights of deserving youthful and non violent offenders
  5. 7. being forced to testify against yourself during a trial
  6. 8. suspicion supported by facts
  7. 10. which case dealt with smelling drugs and searching car
  8. 11. being tried more then one for the same crime
  9. 12. no excessive bail or fines, no torture or excessive jail time
  10. 13. permits admission of evidence obtained through illegal means but it would have been found anyway
  11. 15. reveal all evidence rather than concealing
  12. 16. WHO MAKES UP 40% OF inmates in the us
  13. 17. which case dealt with unreasonable search and seizures of a man alone in a trailer
  14. 19. what percent of people live in poverty after prison