Criminal Justice Crossword 1

  1. 2. Term for law giving belief in one’s secrecy.
  2. 4. Document listing civil rights and liberties.
  3. 7. The Amendment which deals with Search and Seizure and Privacy laws.
  4. 8. Term for when evidence is found ille therefore being disregarded on trial.
  5. 11. Level of court systems who only deals with appeals from lower courts.
  6. 15. Transaction of money to Court that allows you to leave jail until the trial.
  7. 16. The Amendment which deals with SelfIncrimination.
  8. 17. The Amendment which deals with due process and trial delay.
  9. 18. The overuse and abuse of criminal law to address every societal problem and punish every mistake.
  10. 19. The approval to search and seize given by a judge.
  11. 20. Term for evidence allowance due to evidence having been found soon regardless of charges on individual.
  1. 1. Suspicion that prompts an unwarranted or warranted search.
  2. 3. A person or group who are on the receiving end of an appeal.
  3. 5. The term for a fair process or judgement.
  4. 6. Term that promises speedy trial, prevents government from taking liberties, property, and life.
  5. 9. The term for an unfair process or judgement.
  6. 10. The Amendment which deals with context of death penalty and cruel or unusual punishment.
  7. 12. Term for light crimes being assigned with harsh punishments.
  8. 13. Term for protection from being tried more than once for the same crime.
  9. 14. A person or group who appeals the previous judgement of a trial.