Criminal Justice Crossword

  1. 4. Being forced to testify against yourself
  2. 9. Money paid to court to release convict temporarily
  3. 10. Being tried more than once for the same crime
  4. 11. The facts to determine truth
  5. 13. The court case that determined the need for a warrant to search a home
  6. 14. Punishment that is excessively harsh, including torture
  7. 16. Incorrectly written warrant led to excluded evidence
  8. 18. Evidence found, later discovered illegal
  1. 1. Fair treatment through normal judicial system
  2. 2. Bans use of illegally gathered evidence in trial
  3. 3. Decides if person is guilty or innocent
  4. 5. Evidence examined to determined guilty or innocent
  5. 6. Suspicion supported by facts
  6. 7. A person who advises clients to legal rights and obligations
  7. 8. Belief of freedom against unwanted attention
  8. 12. Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures
  9. 15. The court case that determined the need to consent to record a conversation
  10. 17. Providing a law enforcement officer to search and seize