Criminal Justice HJ-2

  1. 3. traffic violations
  2. 4. must find the person guilty or not guilty
  3. 6. cause- officer must see the crime
  4. 7. crimes- crimes that don't involve a criminal
  5. 11. a person that breaks the law
  6. 12. less serious crimes like disturbing peace
  7. 15. such as murdering and kidnapping
  8. 17. when juveniles break the law
  1. 1. a person that breaks the law under 18
  2. 2. crimes- fraud and copyright
  3. 5. warrant- confirmation to make an arrest
  4. 8. a plea of guilty or not guilty
  5. 9. an act that breaks the law
  6. 10. bargain- may plea guilty to lesser
  7. 13. where children show where they can reform
  8. 14. justice system- three part system
  9. 16. an amount of time