criminal justice JF-2

  1. 6. arrest warrant may be issued if the judicial officer is satisfied that probable cause exists for issuing the warrant action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law
  2. 7. crimes:a legal offense to which all parties consent and no party is injured.
  3. 8. person who has committed a crime.
  4. 9. or relating to young people.
  5. 11. from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
  6. 12. justice system:the system of law enforcement that is directly involved in apprehending, prosecuting, defending, sentencing, and punishing those who are suspected or convicted of criminal offences.
  7. 13. crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death.
  1. 1. of arraigning someone in court.
  2. 2. because:the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision.
  3. 3. minor wrongdoing.
  4. 4. is the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision.
  5. 5. crimes:insider trading (stock trading based on material, non-public information) Kickbacks. Misuse of corporate property for personal gain. Individual tax violations related to self-dealing.
  6. 10. of a young person or that person's behavior) showing or characterized by a tendency to commit crime, particularly minor crime.