Criminal Justice LH-3

  1. 2. Authorization to make an arrest
  2. 7. A person who commits any type of crime
  3. 10. Serious crime
  4. 12. Any act that breaks the law
  5. 13. Juveniles who commit crimes
  6. 14. Time offenders are given to show they can change
  7. 15. Defendant pleas guilty or not guilty
  1. 1. A three part system of Police, courts, and corrections
  2. 3. Crimes that don't offend peoples rights
  3. 4. Non violent crime
  4. 5. Found guilty or not guilty
  5. 6. The witnesses a crime or gathered evidence for an arrest
  6. 8. A person under 18
  7. 9. less serious offenses
  8. 11. plea guilty for a lesser offensive charge