Criminal Justice quiz

  1. 3. the court case that decided monitoring and recording without consent violates privacy
  2. 4. can search place or people with probable cause
  3. 5. suspicion that is supported by facts
  4. 10. tried more than once for same crime
  5. 11. legal rights are respected while in the process of trial
  6. 17. testifying against self ion trial
  7. 18. money paid for temporary release of accused
  8. 19. amendment that states no cruel nor unusual punishment shall be inflicted
  9. 20. the court case where the police searched the accused trash without a warrant
  10. 22. Rule evidence cannot be used in court because it was obtained illegally
  1. 1. reasonable belief where people think they have certain privacy
  2. 2. people who decide if person should be accused or not
  3. 6. the court case that founded the exclusionary rule
  4. 7. permits edivence illegally obtained if it would have be obtained eventually
  5. 8. the amendment where a warrant must specifically state the items searched and have probable cause
  6. 9. athletes may be forced to take random drug tests
  7. 12. amendment that involves bail and your right to a speedy trial
  8. 13. excessive number of laws that harm society
  9. 14. when police investigate a crime the people must state their names
  10. 15. overcriminaization affects the people living in this the most
  11. 16. rules that all extracurriculars were required to drug testing
  12. 21. amendment that protects self-incrimination and double jeopardy