Criminal Justice Review

  1. 2. Occurs when a jury is unable to reach a verdict and there must be a new trial with a new jury
  2. 3. When someone is detained by the state while they are waiting for a trial
  3. 4. murder with malicious intent but not premeditated
  4. 8. Prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution
  5. 10. A doubt based upon reason and common sense and is not based purely on speculation
  6. 12. Government officers carry out a search or arrest without a warrant or any other legal authorization
  7. 14. During the commission of a felony, another person is killed or dies
  8. 17. A sworn statement a witness makes after the judge rules that his or her testimony will not be admitted at trial
  9. 18. Citizens who are willing and able to consider evidence at trial without preconceived opinions about the defendant
  10. 19. Informing the defendant of the charge and hearing the defendants plea
  11. 20. An attorney’s final statement to the jury which summarizes the evidence and position of their client
  1. 1. Right to a lawyer
  2. 5. Agreements between defendants and prosecutors in which defendants agree to plead guilty to some or all of the charges
  3. 6. Any reasonable person would suspect that a crime was in the process of being committed, had been committed or was going to be committed very soon
  4. 7. The opposing party questioning the witness during a trial
  5. 9. The detention of a person, often in a correctional or psychiatric facility
  6. 11. When the court imposes a punishment on the defendant after they have been found guilty at trial or has pled guilty to a crime
  7. 13. Release from detention that is dependent on obeying a set of rules with the threat of return to detention if said rules are disobeyed
  8. 15. Time before trial when the judge has to decide whether there is enough evidence to force the defendant to stand trial
  9. 16. Each party’s time to give the jury context and provide a general idea of how the trial is expected to go