Criminal Justice Review Terms

  1. 3. A serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year
  2. 5. killing in which there is no intent to kill at all
  3. 6. An unsuccessful trial, for example, because the jury can't reach a decision.
  4. 7. killing that is done with malice, but without premeditation or deliberation
  5. 10. A search of someone's body or property conducted by law enforcement personnel without the issuance of a search warrant.
  6. 11. the court process where the judge decides the defendant's penalty
  7. 14. the release of an inmate from prison to community supervision with a set of conditions for remaining on parole
  8. 15. a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of the defendant to inform the defendant of the charges against him or her
  9. 16. in a trial, each attorney's summary of the case, which attempts to persuade the judge (and the jury if there is one) to favor his or her side
  10. 18. the death penalty for a crime or offence
  11. 19. a hearing held to determine if there is sufficient evidence to justify a trial
  12. 20. a suspicion based on specific facts; less than probable cause
  1. 1. a statement made by the lawyer for each side at the beginning of a trial, in which each lawyer outlines the case he or she intends to present
  2. 2. reasonable grounds (for making a search, pressing a charge, etc.).
  3. 4. Right to an attorney
  4. 8. The examination of a witness by the attorney who calls the witness to the stand to testify on behalf of the attorney's client
  5. 9. A group of citizens that decides whether there is sufficient evidence to accuse someone of a crime
  6. 12. holding an offender in secure confinement before trial
  7. 13. the questioning of an opposing witness during a trial
  8. 17. a killing that accompanies a felony, such as robbery or rape