Criminal Justice System: Nick Forno

  1. 2. Often, this person is neither identified or apprehended at the scene of a crime.
  2. 4. After a conviction, the convicted may desire a review over the charges using this.
  3. 8. responding to a situation based on one's judgement.
  4. 9. When a prisoner is released before his sentence is up due to good behavior. But, a parole officer is assigned to supervise.
  5. 10. This form of protection is found in cities and towns.
  6. 11. After an arrest, law enforcement presents information about the accused to this person who can choose to press charges.
  7. 14. Which sector initiates the response to crime?
  8. 15. Issued with intent to ensure appearance at trial.
  9. 18. poor or need; unable to afford representation.
  10. 19. This branch of government formed a justice system at the Federal level in order to respond to major federal crimes.
  11. 20. This follows a conviction.
  12. 21. This is a function of the individual state governments.
  13. 22. The major of people employed in the field of justice are at this level.
  14. 23. Crimes against an individual are also crimes against the _____.
  1. 1. This part of the structure of the US is where the government responds to crime.
  2. 3. Following an indictment, this is scheduled in order to inform the suspect of the charges against him and for him to offer a stance or a plea.
  3. 5. The theory which states the likelihood that a criminal will stay a criminal and continue to commit crimes and go back to jail.
  4. 6. The representative of suspects who are being prosecuted for a serious crime.
  5. 7. The highest age that juvenile courts will accept.
  6. 9. the ability of someone to do their job in a professional manner.
  7. 12. A written charge of a crime that is filed with the court.
  8. 13. These courts deal with crimes involving children
  9. 14. A form of sentence where a person is able to be free but under supervision and must agree to conditions.
  10. 16. Due to the fact that each state has their own criminal justice system, they must follow the guidelines provided by the _____________>
  11. 17. Imposed upon juveniles after being released from a holding facility. Similar to parole.