Criminal Justice Terminology

  1. 3. /social security number
  2. 4. /private investigator
  3. 5. /special weapons and tactics
  4. 10. /the taking of a person into custody following the rules of law
  5. 11. /international criminal police organization
  6. 12. /also known as
  7. 13. /modus operandi (latin for method of operation); pattern of behavior typical for a particular offender committing a specific crime
  8. 14. /the power to hear and determine a case
  9. 16. witness /person who sees a crime take place
  10. 18. /a request made by the defense or state that the case can be reviewed by a court of appeal
  11. 20. /canine (dog)
  12. 21. /elected chief officer of a county law enforcement agency
  13. 22. /date of birth
  14. 24. /assault with a dangerous or deadly weapon
  15. 25. /a crime, less serious than a felony, and punishable by jail time
  16. 26. warrant /an order issued by a judge for the arrest of a person
  17. 27. /dead on arrival
  18. 29. /proof that someone accused of a crime could not have done it
  19. 30. /confidential informant
  20. 31. /overdose
  21. 32. /persons selected according to law and sworn to inquire into and declare a verdict on matters of fact
  22. 33. /to take someone away from a place without that person’s consent or by fraud
  23. 34. /combined DNA index system
  24. 37. /a legal narrative description of events related to a crime
  25. 38. /be on the lookout; similar to APB
  26. 39. /driving while intoxicated or impaired
  1. 1. /threat to inflict injury with an apparent ability to do so
  2. 2. /child protective services
  3. 4. /an alternative to imprisonment allowing a person found guilty of an offense to stay in the community, usually under conditions and under the supervision of a probation officer
  4. 6. /a serious crime, such as murder or arson
  5. 7. /gunshot residue
  6. 8. of limitations /the period of time within which a lawsuit must be brought, after which it is barred for lapse of time
  7. 9. /the termination of formal charges
  8. 10. /assistant attorney general
  9. 12. /arresting officer
  10. 15. /questioning, usually by the police, of a suspect in custody
  11. 17. /a violation of the criminal law of a federal, state or local jurisdiction
  12. 19. /last known as
  13. 21. warrant /a written order issued by a judge that directs a law enforcement officer to search a specific area for a specific piece of evidence
  14. 23. /breaking and entering
  15. 26. /blood alcohol concentration
  16. 28. /all-points bulletin; similar to BOLO
  17. 29. /someone who intentionally helps another person commit a felony
  18. 32. /a person under the age of 18
  19. 33. /a person(s) formally charged but not yet tried for a crime
  20. 35. /driving under the influence
  21. 36. /hitting or striking another person