Criminal Justice Terminology

  1. 3. theft of property from a person using force or threat of force
  2. 4. formal accusation filed by prosecution
  3. 5. release of a prisoner from imprisonment, but not from legal custody and supervision
  4. 8. systems which interpret and apply law
  5. 9. systems focused on the protection of private property and people from assault, theft, vandalism, fire, etc.
  6. 11. court order requiring a person to appear in court to give testimony or provided evidence
  7. 13. legal judgment stating a person accused of a crime has been found guilty
  8. 14. systems which enforce the law
  9. 15. unlawful killing of a person by another person; includes murder and manslaughter
  1. 1. prison terms for two or more convictions to be served simultaneously rather than one following the other
  2. 2. systems responsible for the punishment and supervision of convicted criminals
  3. 6. protest or argument made concerning the activity of the opposing party in court
  4. 7. system of agencies and practices established by governments to uphold social order, deter and mitigate crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws
  5. 10. prohibited item or substance which is smuggled into a correctional facility
  6. 12. legal judgment stating a person accused of a crime cannot be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
  7. 16. sworn testimony of a witness taken outside of court in the presence of prosecution and defense attorney