Criminal Justice Terms

  1. 5. Collection of information that is organized
  2. 6. Process of questioning a witness in a trial to show the witness shouldn't be valued as a witness
  3. 8. Relating to biology or living organisms
  4. 10. A sworn body of people gathered to decide an impartial verdict of guilt or innocence
  5. 11. Documented list of every person handling evidence after it was obtained from a crime scene
  6. 13. Every type of proof legally presented in trial
  7. 14. To make worse or more severe, to intensify
  8. 15. The diameter dimension of a bullet or the barrel of a firearm
  9. 17. Items that are illegal or prohibited
  10. 18. Flammable chemical compound contained within a hollow tube that when ignited, gives off light
  1. 1. Deoxyribosenucleic acid, blueprint of all living things
  2. 2. In Arizona, 3 classes of crimes that could result in jail time and/or fines
  3. 3. information that is a secret or is intended to remain secret
  4. 4. A database containing digital information on fingerprint data
  5. 7. Personnel Responsible for two-way communication between field units
  6. 9. London Police Officers
  7. 11. Violent meeting of two objects where one is a vehicle
  8. 12. Enforce federal laws on drug manufacture, sale, transfer, and use
  9. 16. An event that causes unintentional injury
  10. 18. In Arizona, 6 classes of crimes that require imprisonment