Criminal justice test 1

  1. 4. Being forced to testify against yourself during a trial
  2. 6. What percent of inmates are African American?
  3. 7. a person must be provided with this in court if they don’t have the money to pay for one
  4. 9. a search warrant must state the person and _____ being searched
  5. 10. Who creates criminal laws at the federal level?
  6. 12. what court case ruled that recording a conversation without permission invades privacy?
  7. 14. Bans use of illegally obtained evidence by the police for use in a criminal trial
  8. 16. excessive punishment banned in the 8th Amendment
  9. 18. What Amendment protects against double jeopardy?
  1. 1. what court case ruled that when police find evidence illegally it can’t be used against a defendant in court?
  2. 2. What is needed to obtain a search warrant?
  3. 3. what court case ruled that people must give their names to police officers investigating crimes?
  4. 4. what amendment states that a person has a right to a speedy and public trial?
  5. 5. what court case ruled that random drug tests for athletes in schools is allowed?
  6. 8. What percent of people in poverty go to prison?
  7. 11. a person must not be tried twice for the same crime
  8. 13. what amendment states that people have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects?
  9. 15. group of people that decides if a defendant is guilty or not
  10. 17. which amendment states that there should not be excessive punishment?