Criminal Justice Unit 1 Review

  1. 3. Criminal Justice model like an obstacle course
  2. 6. Amendment that affords suspects the right to an attorney
  3. 9. Criminal justice model like an assembly line
  4. 10. Amendment that protects a convict from being punished in a cruel and/or unusual way
  1. 1. Amendment that protects suspects from illegal searches
  2. 2. Umbrella of criminological theories that explains power dynamics of genders and how it might cause crime and/or create victims
  3. 4. Criminological theory that states that a person becomes what they are repeatedly called
  4. 5. Amendment that grants several due process rights like the right to remain silent
  5. 7. Abbreviation for the FBI's crime statistics database
  6. 8. One of three components of the American criminal justice system