Criminal Justice Unit 2 Activities

  1. 2. Serve on appellate courts
  2. 4. 435 members, based on population, serving 2-year terms.
  3. 5. Suspect is brought before the court to enter a plea.
  4. 7. The plaintiff must prove that their claims are more likely true than not.
  5. 10. removed from office by the Senate for "high crimes and misdemeanors."
  6. 13. a system of government in which power is divided between a national government and state governments.
  7. 15. Exchange of evidence between parties.
  8. 17. The highest court in the U.S., with the authority to review decisions from lower federal and state courts.
  9. 18. Intermediate appellate courts that review decisions from district courts.
  10. 19. To prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful
  11. 21. established by Article III of the Constitution, is responsible for interpreting laws and ensuring they are applied fairly.
  12. 22. Powers specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution
  13. 24. is responsible for enforcing and implementing laws.
  14. 25. Powers reserved to the states by the Tenth Amendment
  1. 1. The prosecution must prove the defendant’s guilt to this standard, which is the highest standard of proof.
  2. 3. Clarifying the meaning of laws and their application in specific cases.
  3. 6. Reserves powers not delegated to the federal government to the states or the people.
  4. 8. Directives issued by the President that have the force of law without requiring Congressional approval.
  5. 9. Powers shared by both the federal and state governments
  6. 11. The obligation to prove one's assertion or claim in a legal dispute.
  7. 12. The power to declare laws or executive actions unconstitutional
  8. 14. federal law is the "supreme Law of the Land," overriding state laws when there is a conflict.
  9. 16. Determination of punishment if found guilty.
  10. 20. Preside over cases in trial courts
  11. 23. 100 members, 2 per state, serving 6-year terms.