Criminal Justice Unit 4 Actvities

  1. 1. The mental state or intent of the person committing the crime.
  2. 2. Specific conditions or facts that must be present for the crime to occur.
  3. 4. Requires the intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm with premeditation.
  4. 6. If the defendant was induced by law enforcement to commit a crime they otherwise would not have committed
  5. 7. The occurrence of damage, injury, or another negative consequence resulting from the criminal act.
  6. 8. The legal connection between the defendant's conduct and the harm that occurred
  7. 11. Events that occur after the defendant's act but before the harm.
  8. 14. Failing to feed a dependent child, leading to harm or death.
  9. 17. The person acts with a disregard of a substantial and unjustifiable risk.
  10. 18. the defendant intended to engage in the act itself, but not necessarily to achieve a specific result.
  11. 20. those where the perpetrator not only intends to perform the criminal act but also aims to bring about a particular result or consequence.
  1. 1. If the defendant honestly and reasonably believed in a fact that would make the act non-criminal
  2. 3. Involves unlawfully entering a structure with the intent to commit a crime, typically theft, inside.
  3. 5. Unforeseeable, extraordinary events that break the chain of causation and relieve the defendant of liability.
  4. 9. The defendant's actions must have caused the harm or result.
  5. 10. The requirement that the actus reus and mens rea occur simultaneously.
  6. 12. The person fails to be aware of a substantial risk that constitutes a deviation from the standard of care.
  7. 13. Striking someone with the intent to harm.
  8. 15. The offender has a distinct purpose or objective in committing the act.
  9. 16. Involves altering a document with the intent to defraud.
  10. 19. Liability Certain crimes do not require proof of intent, only that the act was committed.
  11. 21. The act is done with the intent to achieve a specific result.