Criminal Law

  1. 1. Sec 439 CrPC deals with it, gives specific powers to HC and Court of Sessions
  2. 4. legal maxim related to Sec 82 of IPC
  3. 7. The making known of a fact that had previously been hidden.
  4. 9. Guilty state of mind that accompanies the commission of the offence
  5. 10. Reason why the act was committed
  6. 11. it changes the nature of the punishment and converts it into a less severe form of punishment.
  1. 2. it is a question which suggests the answer to be given by the witness.
  2. 3. intentional property damage, often for aesthetic purposes
  3. 5. it is the duration of the sentence that is reduced, without changing the nature of the sentence.
  4. 6. when the defendant pleads guilty instead of not guilty in return for a concession by the prosecution (such as dropping another charge).
  5. 8. Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong to commit a crime or other offense