Criminal Law Book 1

  1. 3. single acts constitutes two or more grave of less grave felonies
  2. 7. the creator or the author of the crime committed
  3. 10. grave those are punishable by maximum period
  4. 11. one person decide t commit offense and propose to another person to join
  5. 13. people living or sojourn can be punishable
  6. 17. two or more malefactors to the commission of the crime
  7. 19. lack of foresight causing injury to others
  8. 20. circumstances the person are imbecile or insane
  9. 21. law define crimes treat of their nature
  10. 22. is when someone performs an action incorrectly or a legal act performed in an illegal manner.
  11. 23. is when a party causes injury to another party on purpose
  12. 24. the elements are intelligence freedom and intent
  13. 25. seas refer to any waters on the sea coast which are without the boundaries of low watermark
  14. 30. as the intentional failure to perform a required duty or obligation
  15. 32. circumstances the person defending himself
  16. 34. rule triable in there country if affects their peace and order
  17. 35. the one having knowledge to the commission of the crime without participating
  18. 36. zone the three three mile limit beyond our shore measured at low tide
  19. 38. punishable by revised penal code
  20. 39. felonies do not perform all of the execution of the offense
  21. 40. perform all the act of execution but the victim is alive
  1. 1. circumstances lessen or reduced the penalty
  2. 2. Archipelago this includes all the islands
  3. 4. there's is no crime when there's is no law punishing it
  4. 5. rule triable in there country if the crime committed in thier territory
  5. 6. punishable by municipal or city ordinances
  6. 8. lack of skill or lack of care or precautions
  7. 9. the elements are negligence imprudence lack of skill or lack of foresight
  8. 12. felonies those are punishable by capital punishments
  9. 14. circumstances increase the penalty of criminal liability
  10. 15. acronym of five circumstances
  11. 16. the right of a state to self-preservation
  12. 18. It extends to the air space which covers its territory
  13. 26. refers to the quality by which an act may be credited to the person as the author or owner
  14. 27. two or more person having an agreement t commit an offense
  15. 28. the one having participating in the commission of the crime
  16. 29. felonies those are fine not exceeding 200 pesos
  17. 31. punishable by special laws
  18. 33. successful perform all act of execution
  19. 37. waters all bodies of water that connect all the islands