Criminal Law Chapter 3 and 4 crossword

  1. 2. aspect of due process that defines a crime so unclear that a person of average intelligence can't determine what the law is prohibiting
  2. 4. also known as "but for" rule, used to determine factual causuality
  3. 6. Behavior can't be illegal if there is no law that defines it as illegal
  4. 7. a legislative act punishing a person or group without judicial trial
  5. 10. Individuals cannot be tried or punished for the again for the same offense
  6. 11. A law that makes an action done before passing of the law criminal and punishes action
  7. 13. A relationship between mens rea, act and resulting harm
  8. 14. "Body of crime"
  9. 15. Necessary facts surrounding the event
  1. 1. The need for identifiable harm done as a result of criminal activity
  2. 3. cause holds individuals liable for causing harm when they were aware of their actions
  3. 5. A type of criminal law violation in which the parties of the crime are willfully participating with the element of harm seeming far off
  4. 8. uncompleted crimes
  5. 9. for an attempt to be charged, an act of some sort is necessary
  6. 12. this defense claims that the defendant voluntarily decided to renounce continued attempts to commit the crime.