Criminal Law, History, & Development

  1. 3. Since the beginning of civilization there have been _______ codes and laws to guide appropriate behavior.
  2. 4. the _________ amendment protects the rights of all citizens to have an attorney argue their case.
  3. 8. When someone is convicted with a felony he or she no longer has certain ______ rights.
  4. 10. the final step for a bill to become a law is approval from the ______________ branch.
  5. 14. the fourth amendment states in order to search or seize an item or person, there needs to be either a warrant or _______________.
  6. 16. Criminal cases have a __________ burden of proof than civil cases.
  7. 18. Someone cannot have committed a crime just by __________ about committing one; there must be a guilty act.
  8. 20. In order to be put on trial, a person needs to be indicted or ________ with a crime.
  9. 22. mens rea means to have a _________ mind.
  10. 23. the fourth amendment prohibits against ____________ searches and seizures.
  11. 25. A first draft of a potential law
  12. 27. the __________ amendment gives protection from self-incrimination.
  13. 29. Colonists wanted to ensure power was distributed _________ throughout the government, preventing any one power from taking over.
  14. 30. In the US Constitution, the first ten amendments are known as the _____________.
  15. 31. Actus Reas means guilty ______.
  16. 32. Early Americans decided ________ should be in charge of deciding what is defined as crime by writing statutes.
  1. 1. The term ___________ refers to the guilty act and guilty mind occurring at the same time.
  2. 2. the ____________amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
  3. 5. Once one has gone to trial, he or she cannot be tried _____ for the same offense.
  4. 6. approximately _________ percent of bills are made into laws each year.
  5. 7. The Romans created some of the law we still use today, like ___________ cases as criminal or civil.
  6. 9. a legislative bill is the _________ draft of a potential law.
  7. 11. Cybercrimes and computer hacking have real consequences and can lead to many individuals' safety being ________ in the real world.
  8. 12. A written code defining a criminal act and providing the standard punishment for the crime
  9. 13. the first instance of classifying cases as criminal or civil
  10. 14. When there is difficulty interpreting what a statute means or there are not adequate statutes in place to determine the outcome of a case, the judicial system must rely on using _________ case outcomes.
  11. 15. An amount of money given to the court to allow the defendant to be released from jail.
  12. 17. to stand by decisions
  13. 19. Case law provides the court system _____________for interpreting and applying statutes and administrative rules.
  14. 21. A ________ bail does not always mean the bail must be able to be paid, but means the bail amount should reflect the nature of the crime, as well as the means of the defendant.
  15. 24. Administrative Rule are rules government agencies can create to govern ________ and companies
  16. 26. ____________ rules are rules that government agencies can create to govern citizens and companies
  17. 28. The right to due process in the court of law is protected by the __________ amendment.