Criminal Law- Offences

  1. 4. Can include bullying.
  2. 5. Unlawful killing with no intention
  3. 8. When a person steals anything and, immediately before or after the time of stealing, uses or threatens violence to any person or property so as to get the thing or overcome resistance to it being stolen.
  4. 9. The doing that which a penal law forbids to be done, or omitting to do what it commands; in this sense it is nearly synonymous with crime.
  1. 1. Applying force to a person of another,including by touching.
  2. 2. Defined in section 429 of the Criminal Code
  3. 3. It must happen; the judge has no choice in the sentence
  4. 6. The thing is capable of being stolen, the thing is taken dishonestly or 'fraudulently'.
  5. 7. Unlawful killing with an intention
  6. 8. Defined in section 347 of the Criminal Code
  7. 10. Defined in section 408C